Hockey Training that’s Proven!

Hockey Skill Development & Creating Athletic Movers

Getting them to become more efficient (smoother) movers, escapable, deceptive and coming out of a move are all important. Edging, turns, delays, Athletic/Elastic (loose)/Smooth/ Skilled… glide and slide, weight shifts… Posture and balance. Single leg movements and changes of speed. It's one thing to hit a move or escape but you must also be able to come out of it with strong movement and an attack mentality. 

Advanced Hockey Skill Development: 

  • Private Skills Sessions for Elite Players

  • Jr. and Pro Summer Hockey Development

  • Puck Smart Morning Hockey Skills Academy

  • Puck Smart Body Checking Sessions

  • Puck Smart Specialty Skills Sessions: Edge-work, Puck Control, Passing and Shooting

Factors that make us Unique

a. the amount of reps you will receive (with small groups you have the opportunity to maximize your reps - your positive reps). 
b. the details within the reps matter. What are the performance indicators in each exercise (there is always a performance indicator).
c. the level of challenge… the bar is set high … advanced game like skills.
d. the feedback you receive during the sessions, during the rep. 
e. multiple concepts within every exercise (not around the cone shoot and definitely not just scrimmage). 
f. this is mindful training as the game of hockey has rhythms within it.
g. All of our exercises have athletic movements (agility, balance and coordination) and take high IQ to execute (feet and hands work independently).
h. The challenge is high. Requires the Mind to be free in order to incorporate advanced footwork, puck control and deceptions. 
i. the knowledge we have - mentors to learn from, conferences attended, years of study, open-minded, pursuit of excellence.

Let’s get started!

Fill out the form and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Looking forward to working with you!

Puck Smart understands the importance of building a strong foundation, while also being able to teach the most adv. leading edge skills in order to support players into Jr. & the NCAA!

- Coach Kevin

Calgary, Alberta